JS Introduction


JS Introduction

Today, I am creating this JavaScript tutorial to provide you with a resource that will help you learn JavaScript. Also, you can use this tutorial as a reference later to lookup various concepts and code.

My name is Maxon and I am an UI/UX Designer. I want to start this tutorial by why we need JavaScript at the first place. 

Imagine a website as a house. HTML is like the bricks and walls that give it structure. CSS is like the paint and decorations that make it look nice. But without JavaScript, the house won't have any lights or running water—nothing would work or move.

JavaScript is what makes a website interactive. It's like adding electricity to the house. It lets you click buttons to open doors, turn on lights, or even play music. So, without JavaScript, a website would be like a house where nothing really happens—you could look at it. 

The video below shows a modal which is created using JavaScript

JavaScript is used for frontend programming but it is also used for backend programming using Node.js. Lets take a step back and understand all these concepts one by one

What is Programming?

It is a way to talk to computers. A language like Hindi, English, or Bengali can be used to talk to a human but for computers, we need straightforward instructions.

Programming is the act of constructing a program, a set of precise instructions telling a computer what to do.

Programming is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. It involves the use of programming languages and various tools to create software programs that can be run on a computer or other devices.

What is ECMAScript?

ECMAScript is a standard on which JavaScript is based!

It was created to ensure that different documents on JavaScript are talking about the same language.

ECMAScript Versions: 

Beginning in 1997, JavaScript has evolved into many versions.

  • ECMAScript1 or ES1 was first released in 1997
  • ECMAScript 2015 also known as ES6 was released in 2015 and a major revision to JavaScript was made.
  • The latest version of JavaScript will be ECMaScript2022 (ES13) in 2022.

What is JavaScript?

  • JavaScript is a lightweight, OOP language.
  • It is a scripting language for web pages.
  • It is used to add interactivity and dynamic effects to web pages.
  • .js is the extension.
  • Nowadays used in server-side development.
  • JS Frontend Frameworks: React, Angular, Vue.
  • JS Backend FrameworksExpress, Node.

In this tutorial, we will learn JavaScript in depth